Sunday, October 31, 2010

In what ways does media & advertising work together?

The media uses advertising to help get the word out there about any upcoming product, event etc. that companies want to make profit off of. Media itself is merely a vehicle of communication that stores and delivers data to the masses. Advertising is used in the media as a promotion tool. It has become one of the primary sources of revenue for most companies (or the largest expenditure) due to its importance in society. Advertising has become a billion dollar industry. We are bombarded by it every day, everywhere. In television shows, commercial segments have become longer than the actual show. Internet websites are now riddled with ads on any inch of free space they have. Advertising in the media has become ingrained in our society, more and more do we desire things that we do not need. Advertising helps manipulate the consumer a certain way to make them desire their product. This is all done through the media, the vehicle of advertising. Together, they make profit.

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