Sunday, October 17, 2010

How have blogs and the internet changed the way news is reported?

Blogs and the internet have drastically changed the way news is communicated. Newspapers used to be the main source for news and then came the news channels on television. Now the internet has taken over. You can find news articles on any topic online. This allows the reader to only be informed on topics they want to hear about. Also, news is now always live. The websites are constantly being updated with the newest information so readers are aware of the news as its happening. Blogs allow people to post their own view on the news that they hear. They can write opinionated articles on what they are thinking about. Users can also comment on the blogs on what they are thinking so it is an easy way for everyone to speak their mind. The internet is also the fastest way to hear to the news because you do not have to sit like you do for the TV and wait for the topic you want to hear about. You can also quickly scan the information and not read the whole article if you have a short amount of time.

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