Thursday, December 2, 2010

What have I learned in this class?

I have learned so much from this class. I learned how media began, where it originated from, how and why it because more popular and then how it took off. The media pioneers were the most entertaining for me because I got to learn something new that our history classes never taught us. Whether it was reading about them in the book, or hearing about them from our fellow classmates, I got to learn something that I wouldn't have learned anywhere else. The way that technology has helped media evolve was also very fascinating. From penny presses to newspapers to digitally getting the news and stories all within a short period of time is amazing. I had always assumed there were politics and behind mass media, but not as much as I learned there actually was. This class has taught me so much in such a short period of time that I am going to be majoring in Communications PR to learn more about media and where it will be in our future.

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