Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Which audience analysis measurement principles and techniques are most effective and why?

"Traditional polling techniques include interviews and diaries, both of which are being eclipsed by meters. Some devices even track which billboards a person passes and how often. These new devices track usage of new media forms, including the Internet, and the extension of television viewing beyond the living room and also playback viewing with TiVo and similar devices" (Vivian 336). There are a many different ways do this including; Interviews, diaries, meters, people meters and portable meters. Interviews is basically face to face, mail and telephone survey techniques to get peoples reactions and fuller information. Diaries are a sampling technique in which respondents keep their own records. They were mailed during sweep weeks to get the best results. Meters are the most effective technique. Meters, people meters and portable meters were introduced as a supplement to diaries and improving accuracy. People meters are devices that track individual viewers by scanning the television channels every 2.7 meters. Portable devices are to be carried around by people to see what people are watching at bars, restaurants, offices and airports. All in all, meters are the best way to track what is being watched because it gets people at home, individuals and what people are doing in the public.

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