Monday, November 15, 2010

What is the significance of the fourth estate?

The fourth estate is the final, unofficial check and balance in America’s bureaucratic system. Better known as the press and protected by the first amendment; it serves as a watchdog over government activity. It keeps the general public informed as objectively as possible, allowing them to form their own opinions on the subject. Within the last few centuries, the press has catalyzed a lot of reform and has helped keep society in control of how their government acts. Although the fourth estate holds a lot of power, and it has been known to follow its own agenda when it comes to certain issues. The press also will act in the best interest of profit. Found in the media are many images and sensationalist articles that cannot be trusted. It becomes up to the individual to make their own decisions and not believe everything that is broadcasted. But when it comes down to it, the fourth estate is imperative to have a successful democracy. By mass-sharing information, society can make informed decisions on how they choose their lifestyle, and their leaders.

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