Thursday, November 4, 2010

How is public relations used as a persuasive tool in communications?

Public relations has been used as a persuasive tool in communications by companies to promote their name in society. Public relations basically is the communication by a person or organization (preferably in the positive spotlight) that is intended to create goodwill or a favorable image to the public for a person, institution, item, ect. The definition of public relations as said by pioneer Edward Bernays is a loose one with many different variations to it but in the end almost mean the same thing. The public relations profession is one that people put a lot of trust into and because of that it’s a success in advertisement is through the roof. Public relations and advertisements pretty much go hand in hand. When institutions are changing policies, their PR goes on to observe what it would do for the company and how/if it would help them. The effects of these things are very important to the PR and their job is mostly just to make sure that literally, everyone is happy. Customers (the public), employees, the government, ect. They need to make sure everyone is happy and the product their vouching for is not biased or against anything. PR officials only want their products in the positive light, and will do anything to have it so.

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