For years, media and advertising have worked hand in hand to communicate messages to the general public. Television, newspapers, radio, magazines, billboards, etc... are all examples of different forms of media. The sole purpose of these different media outlets is to communicate a particular message to large audiences of people, wherever they may be in the world. Advertising, which is a process that businesses and companies use to persuade people into buying their products, subscribing to what they have to offer, or to promote something that they are a part of, needs a way to reach the massive public. Media, being the main communicator to the world, has provided advertisers with a way to publish whatever it is they wish to promote and to have it be able to reach a large number of people. Commercials on TV and radio are two examples of media hosting advertisements. The companies or businesses that create the commercials buy out a slot to be played on either the TV or radio. As far as print media goes, advertisements are printed in newspapers and magazines, which also helps reach large audiences. Also, companies try to target their audience and list advertisements where they know a lot of people will be interested. For example, on a children’s show channel there will probably many commercials for certain new toys or children’s shows that are coming out. Simply put, without the media, advertisements would have no way to reach the public.
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