Sunday, October 31, 2010
In what ways does media & advertising work together?
Friday, October 29, 2010
In what way do media and advertising work together?
Thursday, October 28, 2010
In what way do media and advertising work together?
Since the dawn of media associated with communications there has been advertising. Look in any news paper, magazine, editorial, pamphlet, or listen to any radio station, or watch any television station, and anyone will be exposed to advertising. It’s obvious that advertising and media have developed a strong union over the years and have worked well with one another the whole time. Advertising and media constantly play off of one another. Advertising uses media for many different reasons. The different types of media each provide a new way for ads to be posted. Radio provides a sound medium that allows for advertising to make use of sound and dialogue to promote a product; while Print allows for a picture that makes a lasting impression. But the ultimate medium for advertising, since it came about in the 20th century, has always been television. The medium of television has allowed for advertising to make use of bother picture and sound. While different forms of media help advertising become more creative, what does advertising do for the different media? Simply enough, advertising keeps media alive. Without companies promoting their products through print, television, or radio, then where would most of the media revenue come from? It’s the everlasting economic relationship that allows media and advertising to keep their union going.
How is public relations used as a persuasive tool in communications?
Public relations, from a business perspective, serve as the voice of the company or corporate enterprise that it represents. In relating public relations to communications there are many instances where it can be seen as a very persuasive tool. For instance, in advertising public relations is a vital tool whose objective is to reach out and rally the audience the advertisement is targeted to. Public relations can help people jump on the band wagon, buy the product, and become a new loyal customer. Also, the use of Public Relations in communications can also play a vital role in gaining public trust. Being persuasive in public relations can be used to help sway a large amount of the public back onto your side. In light of consumer crisis when a product turns bad and makes people sick, public relations is the part of communications that persuades their consumers into trusting that their product suffered a “minor” malfunction and that all is safe. Not only is public relations the informative voice that an audience needs to believe, it is also a force that creates policy. In order to be persuasive in the media, public relations must devise policies (appropriate to the company) that persuade their consumers to trust them.
In what way do media and advertising work together?
Media and advertising work together in that ads placed in mass media forums generate the finances needed to keep the media afloat. “ Advertising, in fact, is essential to a prosperous society. Advertising also is the financial basis of important contemporary mass media” (Vivian, 297). Advertising is a major component of modern economics because it is the vehicle that provides information and rationales to the people to help them decide what to purchase. Although it may be hard to see, advertising works with the media in an important way, because it provides the funding needed to keep mass media forums on top. Advertising is a product of great forces that have shaped modern society, but without the mass media there would be no vehicle to carry advertisements to mass audiences. Media relies on advertising for its revenue, and similarly advertising relies on media to spread the word about products in which it seeks to gain an audience from. Media and advertising have a beneficial relationship with one another because they use each other for financial purposes, the media relies on the money that advertisers pay to place ads within them, where as the advertisers rely on the space that they pay for to generate a mass awareness of their products and hopefully acquire potential buyers. “Modern consumer economies are driven by the demand stirred by advertising for products” (Vivian, 319) and the media is the place where these advertisements are placed.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
In what way do media and advertising work together?
Media and advertising are meant to work together. Without one another, they lack appeal to their audiences. Media cannot survive without advertising because in order to appeal to the masses you must advertise. Theres no option. If you do not advertise, no one will know about your media venture and therefore you will not make any money which is the ultimate goal in mass media. You also need advertising to make money in another way. Mass media in the form of television for example consists of many commercials. Without commercials, certain stations and programs wouldn’t get much of the funding that they receive from these advertising outlets in order to keep their programming on the air.
Advertising also needs media in order to exist. Advertising needs a media outlet in order to be produced. Whether it be television, film, a newspaper or a magazine, advertisements need a medium in order for them to be displayed. In the end, advertising and media are produced to make money. And without each other, the other would lack necessary funds to produce their product. Media and advertising are virtually combined because neither lasts without the other and both are necessary to produce the other. As long as media is around, advertising will be too and vice versa.
How is public relations used as a persuasive tool in communications?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
How is public relations used as a persuasive tool in communications?
Without public relations, a company would basically have no contact with its audience and in return receive feedback to improve themselves. Public relations is very important in the way that it is the main line of communication between an audience and a larger company or institution. On example of how public relations helps in communications is the way in which it acts as an open line of communication between an organization and reporters. If something happens internally in this organization, news media of all sorts will come running to seek out the truth. If there were no public relations department in this particular company, there would be no clear person or group of people to handle the press. The public relations department of this organization would take the role as the spokes-people for the company.
Public relations also plays a large role in “Publicity and Promotion” says Vivian. When a group needs to promote something, they have to do it in a large fashion yet keep it organized. This is where the public relations department come in. They act again as a group who can handle the task of promoting and publicizing for the company while keeping an open line of communication to the public and between the companies internal workings. Public relations handles most contact inside and outside of particular organizations and without public relations communication would be very difficult.
How has mass media technology changed the way audiences are entertained?
Mass media technology has changed drastically over time. The new media technology that we have today has completely revolutionized the way consumers are entertained on a day-to-day basis.
For instance, horror films such as, the original, Halloween and Friday the 13th were frightening movies to most back when they were originally released but as technology keeps advancing, those films tend to become less and less frightening. Nowadays, movies are only scary when they use 3D technology and gory effects.
Mass media technology such as laptops, iphones, kindles, etc... have created a world of consumers that have the mentality that every want or desire they have must be fulfilled in that moment with no question. For example, if you happen to miss an episode of The Office on Thursday nights, there is no reason to worry because you can simply watch the full episode online the very next day (legally) or download it on to your ipod for two dollars shortly after. Years ago, if you missed your favorite movie or television show you would have to wait for the next week or airtime to watch it.
Who are the gatekeepers? How effective is investigative reporting in informing the public?
One gatekeeper of the news is the government. The government is able to control which information is released to the public and which information should be withheld. Investigative reporting is effective to an extent. Investigative reporters are driven to dig deeper and find the truth regardless of how big or small the story is. Investigative reporting often does reveal truths about people, events or places that the public wouldn’t have necessarily known. Although investigative reporting is effective most of the time, the government and law enforcement is still in control of the majority of information released to the press.
Another gatekeeper of the news is the medium in which the news in being reported. On television the news is often reported in a fairly unbiased manner, however some news channels have the reputation for being more liberal or more conservative. Although there is bias in broadcast journalism, there is a level of professionalism and education that is still maintained. However, on the internet there is far more room for bias news to be reported. Blogs and other internet news outlets are notorious for swaying to the left or to the right, heavily, as opposed to publications.
How have blogs and the internet changed the way news is reported?
The internet has made news much more easily accessible. The news is quickly updated on the internet which gives people the information that they want and need as it is happening. Although broadcast journalism is able to accomplish delivering the news in a quick manner, it is not nearly as convenient as reading the news on the internet at your leisure, whether it is on your iphone, at work, during class, on an airplane etc... The internet has revolutionized the way the news is reported and it has, consequently, lead to the continuous downfall of print journalism. (However, I am a firm believer that print journalism will never go completely out of style.)
Blogs were originally used for gossip and as a way to truly exercise our first amendment rights. Blogs evolved from mere, angsty status updates to a commonly used way of retrieving news. Blogs are used by people from all over the world, ranging from various ages, professions, genders and classes. This diversified range of consumers can create a media bias for many of the blogs. Again, similar to the revolution regarding the internet, blogs have created a much faster way to report the news. However, due to the wide range of people updating their blogs, the news posted on blog sites is subject to being untrue and bias.
How has conglomeration changed the movie and television industry?
Media conglomeration is when large corporations join forces in the movie and television industry. Conglomeration creates room for hundreds of new channels/stations, as well as, introducing a more diverse audience to advertisers. Conglomerates, essentially, have revolutionized the movie and television industry.
The three largest media conglomerates, that dominate the movie and television industry, include; The Walt Disney Company, Time Warner and the News Corporation. Critics agree that these media conglomerates have made it very difficult for any smaller businesses, in this competitive industry, to survive. Another major criticism of conglomeration is that the conglomerates tend to dominate the news. They choose which news is ‘newsworthy’ and which news does not. This creates a media bias which is not beneficial for the public.
Conglomeration has opened new doors for advertisers, producers, directors, etc...however, conglomerates have also closed doors to many small, up-and-coming businesses in the movie and television industry.
Monday, October 25, 2010
How is Public Relations used as a persuasive tool in communications?
How has mass mass media technology changed the way audiences are entertained?
Sunday, October 24, 2010
How has mass media technology changed the way audiences are entertained ?
Friday, October 22, 2010
How has mass media technology changed the way audiences are entertained?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
How has mass media technology changed the way audiences are entertained?
Mass media technology has changed the ways our audiences are entertained in many ways. As technology develops, new mediums are invented that push the limits of entertainment and make the audiences want bigger, newer and better things. One such innovation that is becoming more and more popular is 3D technology. Avatar sort of opened up the field as far as movies go. It brought this newer type of 3D which is more realistic become more common in theaters. People were amazed by the quality of these films and the effect it added. Now the technology has expanded to television sets that you can have in your house. This is just one example of how technology has changed the way audiences are entertained.
Another way that this is achieved is through picture quality. Movies and television sets and channels are now being broadcasted in Hi-Def. This makes the picture much clearer and makes you feel like you are that much closer to the action. In order to keep audiences entertained, mass media outlets are going to have to keep creating new technologies. Audiences wont settle for the same thing forever. As humans it is our nature to want newer and better things. And as long as mass media exists, audiences will always be begging for the next big thing.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
How has mass media technology changed the way audiences are entertained?
Mass media technology has effected the way we are entertained greatly. So many forms of entertainment are different types of media technology. Television, iPods, radio, internet, and movies are all different forms of mass media technology that communicate to the world in various ways and serve as the most common forms of entertainment. As media is rapidly growing and advancing, new forms of entertainment come out of it. Years ago, items such as iPods never existed. However, I can’t imagine myself without one today. I’d be lost. This is proof that as media technology gets more complex and advanced it creates a greater and more modern level of entertainment that almost becomes a necessity to people over time. It is a fascinating process that will always keep growing and changing.
If you were to look back over the years you would see an enormous progression in technology. As you view this progression, you will see how along with it has come tons of new forms of entertainment. They go hand in hand. Technology breeds entertainment. People enjoy learning new ways of finding enjoyment in things they find important to them. Mass media technology allows this to constantly happen throughout the world.
Who are the gatekeepers of news? How effective is investigative reporting in informing the public?
The gatekeepers of news are the government and law enforcement. They control what is released and what is not. Investigative reporting is definitely very effective in informing the public. Though there are many times where details may be left out, untrue, or exaggerated, if it wasn’t for investigative reporting, we would never even find out what is going on. It is their job to go out and find out the important details that the public has the right to know and then relay it. Really, there would be no news if it wasn’t for investigative reporting. Random people cannot just go around and investigate scenes on their own and tell people what is happening. The reporters have this specific job just so that us as a people can be tuned in to important happenings in our world today. This is very important in society all around the world. If we did not know what was happening around us, how would we be able to advance as a culture or even be cautious to dangers and such? The answer is simple; we wouldn’t. One can really learn a great deal from viewing the news and becoming in touch with modern events.
How has blogs and the internet changed the way news is reported?
Blogs and the internet has forever changed the way that news is reported and displayed. They are vital advancements in technology that have proved to be very efficient and relevant today. The internet has become such a convenient way to retrieve information and be an outlet for entertainment. It is extremely simple to find something that you want to learn about or discover. For this reason, it has become an extremely reliable way to gather news. People are constantly using the internet and can quickly find out what is going on today by simply browsing, especially if they’re in a rush. Also, if there is a specific topic or event that you want to read about, rather then looking through pages of a newspaper or waiting for it to be on TV you can simply google the exact thing you are looking for and pull up information in seconds flat. Blogging is another interesting form of relaying news because it allows any random people to post information that they find to be important and others can discuss it there as well. This is an interactive form of getting news and can actually help you to learn more then if you had just read an article.
How has conglomeration changed the movie and television industry?
Conglomeration has greatly effected the movie and television industry. Conglomerations involve corporations joining together to market through television and movies. This allowed hundreds more channels to spawn and advertising companies to market their products to all different audiences. This revolutionized TV forever. Especially now, with Tivo, companies like AT&T, Comcast, and Cox join together with certain channels and all offer different perks and advantages. This gave people multiple different options to choose a TV service, depending on what they like. More and more money gets poured in the television business because of this. Also, channels like HBO and Showtime need to be payed for, but they offer exclusive series and movies that certain people are going to want.
As far as movies, conglomerations have allowed them to be promoted by certain companies and advertisements that help business for both the movie and company marketing them. This process has been working very well for years and made TV and movies an enormous part of our society, economy, and culture. If it wasn’t for conglomerations movies and TV would not be nearly as complex and prominent in our society. Today, marketing is what movie and TV show success really depends on.
In what way has deregulation changed the radio and recording industry?
Deregulation has changed the radio and recording industry greatly over time. It took government control out of these two industries. This allowed a lot more freedom to artists and the radio and recording companies themselves. Talk shows on the radio became a bit more risque. With this said, the FCC still puts certain restrains on vulgarities and things that cross the limits on public radio. However, radio is still much different today then it was back in the day. Recording industries have changed a ton as well. Music years ago had many various restrictions. Now days, artists essentially have the freedom to write and record absolutely anything they want. The FCC does require an artist to put a parental advisory sticker on an album if it includes certain vulgar words or phrases.
Though there are still some restrictions on music and radio today, they still have loads of artistic freedom and music has gotten more and more boundary-pushing over the years, showing the progression of modern culture. Much of this is due to deregulation. If it wasn’t for that then the government would still be controlling music and radio, which would prove to allow a lot less artistic and commercial freedom.
How will the print industry survive? What is the impact of demassification?
Even though in our constantly advancing world today we have plenty of forms of computerized and televised ways to relay information and news, the print industry will always survive. Newspapers and magazines will never be taken out of society and the market. No matter what, they will always be a prominent way of receiving information and people will always buy them. Also, some printing corporations work hand in hand with online sites and have their articles or magazines put on the internet. This allows them to make even more money and still actually print all their information out and sell it.
Demassification had an impact because it was a new process of directing the focus in magazines to a more particular audience. This allowed many more different magazines to spawn. Then, advertisers spread their ads through all these different magazines and reached every different audience. News magazines, lifestyle magazines, and lots of other types of magazines all became a lot more appealing and began to sell much better. Though demassification specified audiences and didn’t try to appeal to the entire world, it allowed print industries to create more different magazines and in the long run get more money, due to the advertisement companies paying to have their ads in all their different magazines.
Why does economics drive most media companies?
It is clear that economics drive most media companies. There are reasons for this. The status of the social economy effects how people make purchases and spend their money in various different ways. If the economy is not good, people are going to lose money, jobs, and in a way, the desire to buy things on the market. When the economy is in good shape people will feel more comfortable putting their money in other places besides their pockets.
This effects media companies directly because just like any other company, if the economy is low and facing struggles, it may not be a great time to put out a new product. Lots of times new technological products are expensive and require a good financial background to be payed for. Also, on another side of media, the economy can effect news media companies and television stations because if the economy is low they will mainly discuss this topic. Media communicates what is going on in the world and what is important.
It is interesting to see how economy can cause certain media companies to make more or less money through selling their products, but at the same time it gives the media something to televise and talk about.
What is technology dependence?
Technology dependence is essentially the fact that in today’s world we rely on technology for so many things. To think of a world without computers, TV’s, cell phones, or even iPods is just insane. It is almost scary. So many businesses and corporations depend on computers and other forms of technology for a large number of reasons. Without television it would be very difficult for people to stay in touch with modern culture, entertainment, and news. The world has greatly evolved from many years ago. I truly believe that we would not be able to survive without much of the technology that we have today. Sure, some may not be necessity and just serves us for enjoyment purposes. However, modern advancements show that many different technological inventions are depended on for some of the most important things one can imagine.
I know that I, myself, rely on much of the technology that I own. Without a computer I couldn’t do almost any of my homework, I wouldn’t know nearly as much information about the world around us, and I wouldn’t necessarily be able to keep in touch with many people. I am just as dependent on my cell phone. There are so many instances I can think of that if I didn’t have a cell phone on me, I would have been in some seriously bad or dangerous situations. Technology dependence is just something that we live with every day. Luckily for us, it only gets more and more advanced from here. There is no moving backward when it comes to technology.
What is media literacy?
Media literacy is possessing the knowledge to be competent in assessing messages carried by mass media (Vivian 6). Basically, media literacy is being able to understand the messages that modern technology is constantly conveying to us. Media is absolutely unavoidable, due to the fact that it is everywhere. It shapes our lives and is a testament of the advances we make over time as a human race. Having media literacy and being able to comprehend all of what is around us is crucial to live in today’s world. News, entertainment, advertising, etc... is all expressed and communicated through media and technology. If we didn’t have the ability to understand it we would be completely lost. It is interesting to think how many years back there wasn’t technology and media like there is today. It is so hard for people like us who are so used to how things are today to think of how they possibly survived and stayed current with the information they had and how they communicated it.
Thankfully, there is so much media around us all of the time that I believe it’s near impossible to not be media literate to some degree. Just from living in today’s world people will pick up on how to comprehend certain forms of media communication. It is the fuel that keeps our race going.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Who are the gatekeepers of the news? How effective is investigative reporting in informing the public?
How has mass media technology changed the way audiences are entertained?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
How has mass media technology changed the way audiences are entertained?
How have blogs and the internet changed the way news is reported?
Who are the gatekeepers?
Who are the gatekeepers of the news? How effective is investigative reporting?
Friday, October 15, 2010
Who are the gatekeepers of news? How effective is investigative reporting in informing the public?
Who are the gatekeepers of news? How effective is investigative reporting in informing the public?
Monday, October 11, 2010
Who are the gatekeepers of news? How effective is investigative reporting in informing the public?
The news is controlled not only by the medium in which the news is reported, but also in who owns those mediums. Each medium is able to broadcast different views on news stories. For example, on television, stations seem to be less biased although there are a few that are. On the internet, news outlets and online blogs can be biased, unbiased or say whatever they want because with the internet there can literally be an infinite number of news sites that can be about each and every topic and bias. With print, they also tend to be more neutral because when people read them they want to hear just the facts and be able to form their own opinions on those facts.
The people who own these news media outlets also control what stories make it to the public. The best example I can think of us Rupert Murdoch controlling Fox news. He sends out internal emails to all of his Fox stations around the country every morning telling them what topics they are to cover that day and in what manner they are to do so. In this way the news and stories shows are skewed while the audience barely notices.
I also think that investigative reporting is effective in informing the public. Although these types of journalists make it their job to dig deep into peoples lives and find dirt on them it brings out the truth and informs the public on that. In this way, all the facts are out on the table and the public audience is able to form their own opinions but this time its on the real facts.
Who are the gatekeepers of news? How effective is investigative reporting in informing the public?
Friday, October 8, 2010
Who are the gatekeepers of the news? How effective is investigative reporting?
The news is the main hub of information for many people. Its mass appeal to large audiences across the nation puts those in charge of the news in a very powerful position. Although news is broad and covers a wide variety of topics, there are a lot of issue and informative reports that go unpublished. The news is vast and it is restricting, not everything can be published at once and not everything deserves news spotlight. In order to trim the fat of the news there needs to be the proverbial butcher that does so, also known as the gate keeper. “Gatekeeping” is done by those not readily apparent within news, the editors and producers behind the scenes, and aims to keep the audience’s attention stimulated.
Many stories within the news are unleashing information on issues done through investigative journalism. Investigative journalism is often a very effective way of reporting the news. Reporters go into the depths of an issue and drag out the facts everyone yearns to read or hear about. As factual as investigative journalism can be, there are some faults within this raw source of news. Where investigative journalism can go wrong is by being biased. Sometimes investigative journalism gets deep into the facts but only revealing the raw facts of one side of an issue, thus becoming biased and narrow minded.